Responses to Animation Shorts

 1. At 0:05 in Spellbound, they use framing, then open the frame until it is gone. This gives the feeling of dropping the audience into the world with the characters.

2. At 0:35, there is a low angle shot after she writes in her book, because it makes her feel powerful, and so they use the shot to convey that emotion

3.  At 0:55 the camera moves fast and jolty, moving from one problem to the other, creating a sense of overwhelming

1: At 1:12, all the shoes line up orderly in a pattern, to show the enemy's organization, which gives a sense of control
2:  At 2:12, once he makes a new shoe, he feels comfortable again and there is a shot from below him looking up, showing that he feels in power at this moment
3: At 1:09, the camera moves from the other shopkeep's legs, to hand, to face, moving up the character, and revealing him as a threat to the small shoemaker

1. At the very beginning, there is a ticking noise, and then a fade in onto the gears of a clock. This shows the source of the sound, and gives the importance of clocks go this animation
2. Up until 1:12, the camera angle is almost always straight on at the character, in a very organized, comfortable way. At 1:12, the camera tilts, to show the sudden off kilter, sudden surprise of the character being hit by the bus. This feeling continues into the bed, to let the audience know that this is not over
3. At 1:27, the camera jolts to look down the stairs and back, with the character. This is not only what the character did as well, but shows his haste and fear as it quickly looks away from his first self


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