Lighthouse Camera Angles

                   Extreme Close Up Shot/ A shot used to show extreme detail in a shot and in most cases                                        to show more emotion and feel more connected with the piece.

                             Long Shot/ A shot used to show the full scene and most of the things involved.

             Worms Eye View/ A shot taken at an extreme low angle shows the scene from a very low shot.

     Establishing Shot/ A shot that shows the entire scene and pretty much every element in the scene, in this case it shows the lighthouse, water, and mountains.

         Over The Shoulder/ A Shot where the camera is placed behind the object or over the shoulder.
Eye level Shot/ A shot eye level with the object, portraits emotion and good detail.
Close Up Shot/ A shot a little farther than the extreme close up shot but still shows a lot of detail in the object portrayed.
Medium Shot/ A shot that is captured a medium distance from the object. 
Point Of View Shot/ A shot that puts you in the perspective of the object.

Birds Eye View Shot/ A shot that shows every part of the scene from a very high angle good way to see all the elements in a shot.

I believe in this project I really succeeded with the actual project with the lighthouse, terrain, water, and all the textures. So in that aspect I think I did very well. One thing I can improve for next time can be my camera angles, their not that bad but theres always room for improvement since all in all this was my first time. 


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