1. At 0:05 in Spellbound, they use framing, then open the frame until it is gone. This gives the feeling of dropping the audience into the world with the characters. 2. At 0:35, there is a low angle shot after she writes in her book, because it makes her feel powerful, and so they use the shot to convey that emotion 3. At 0:55 the camera moves fast and jolty, moving from one problem to the other, creating a sense of overwhelming 1: At 1:12, all the shoes line up orderly in a pattern, to show the enemy's organization, which gives a sense of control 2: At 2:12, once he makes a new shoe, he feels comfortable again and there is a shot from below him looking up, showing that he feels in power at this moment 3: At 1:09, the camera moves from the other shopkeep's legs, to hand, to face, moving up the character, and revealing him as a threat to the small shoemaker . 1. At the very beginning, there is a ticking noise, and then a fade in onto the gears of a clock. This shows the...
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